Elevating customer experiences with Threado AI 3.0

A short note on Threado AI 3.0 - what is it, why we did what we did, what does this mean for customer-facing teams, and our role in the future of customer experience.
Pramod Rao
Last edited:
September 2, 2024

60% of CX leaders expect AI to have a transformative impact on customer experiences with customer self-service, automated insights, and freeing teams for important tasks emerged as the three most impacted areas of an organization’s customer experience. AI in customer service is expected to reach a market cap of $12 Billion in 2025 and what’s surprising is that this number isn’t as surprising as it should be. A conundrum, but a good one to have, nonetheless.

We as a team have had countless discussions over the past few months; a whole lot of reflecting back on where we are, why we need change, and is it even worth it. We deconstructed everything. At one point, we even stopped to ask ourselves “What are we doing?” and “Does any of this make sense?”. We almost also took a whole other route by expanding our solution horizontally to serve entire organizations and teams, but that didn’t feel like us. We can't solve everything. It’s important to pick a lane and stick to it; immerse yourself in a problem and solve it in a way no one else can. That’s what we wanted. And that’s what we’re doing now.

Introducing Threado AI 3.0 - Elevating customer experience

Today’s customer-facing teams have a lot on their plate and traditional ways of resolving queries are not just slow but also ineffective. Customer expectations have skyrocketed since the advent of AI and not keeping up with the pace of doing business today can be catastrophic for companies leading to revenue plateaus and higher churn.

Threado AI is a new-age AI solution that contextualizes structured and unstructured company information, making it accurate and reliable. Works perfectly as a self-serve tool for customers and provides deeply personalized responses, automating support by eliminating the need for agent involvement. What’s more, customer-facing teams can get instant answers where it’s convenient - on Slack, Microsoft Teams, or as a Chrome app - and save hours spent on searching through knowledge bases, CRMs, support conversations, data metrics, intranet, and more.

The Holy Trinity of better customer experience with Threado AI

Automating chat support

Customers today prefer self-serve; they no longer want to wait for agents to respond or raise tickets when they can troubleshoot and clear their concerns themselves. This becomes a huge factor for the future of customer experience. You have to take into account enabling self-service for customers otherwise your team remains susceptible to bad or below-average customer experiences.

Threado AI enables businesses to build AI agents that can understand the intent behind customer queries and break them down into action items - search through hundreds of documentation and give instant answers or perform actions like calling an API to cancel a plan or extend a trial. Threado AI contextualizes customer queries and provides answers that are precise, without fuss or fluff.

Immediate assistance 24/7

Be it customers or your customer-facing teams, Threado AI offers immediate assistance 24/7 across platforms and channels for convenient access and faster support. Teams can resolve 5X more queries in the same amount of time across - Slack, Microsoft Teams, or on the Web with a Chrome app. Get reliable and instant answers anywhere and anytime you want.

Unified data platform

Most information across organizations is scattered across sources and is unstructured - emails, conversations, etc. This information along with structured data collectively holds everything from product tutorials and specifications to customer deals and account details. Searching through this scattered information is resource-intensive and counterproductive. Teams shouldn’t have to spend their time piecing together information that can be perfectly understood and referenced by AI.

Threado AI makes it super easy to connect all of the company sources - knowledge bases, CRMs, ticketing platforms, and more. A single source of truth for your teams and customers, available wherever you need it.

We support integration with Zendesk, Intercom, HubSpot, Freshdesk, Salesforce, Google Drive, Confluence, Notion, and Slack. Threado AI understands not just help docs but also the conversations through tickets, conversations, and internal docs to answer contextual queries such as customer information related to accounts, help support agents resolve complex concerns, and onboard new customers faster without the hassle of tutorials and videos.

What does this mean for customer-facing teams?

Support teams

Will be able to ask queries pertaining to intricate problems that require deep contexts and understanding of the product. Threado AI can help support agents get instant answers that they can follow with more questions for personalized results that can resolve queries faster. With automated support, agents don’t have to worry about repetitive and generic queries, 80% of which can be automated with AI support.

Customer success teams

Can get account and customer information whenever they need it. They can ask questions like ‘Give a list of emails associated with XYZ company”, “Which plan is xyz@company.com on?”, or “What was the last conversation we had with XYZ customer?” Instead of searching through CRMs or internal docs, customer success teams can simply ask Threado AI and save hours in searching and interpreting information.

Implementation teams

Or Solution Engineers will be able to get customer information faster. They can have better conversations by having battle cards or company information available on call. Customers can also be onboarded faster with automated AI support with which customers can understand the product on their own through questions and queries; no need to go through entire guides or video tutorials.

Adjusting the sails

We can’t change the wind but we can adjust the sails. The AI wave came in demanding inevitable change which can either be welcomed or instead be resisted until your methods become obsolete. We’ve adjusted to the wind and the new Threado 3.0 is a testament to that. We want Threado AI to become second nature for your customer-facing teams. We want Threado AI to be the first thing to come to mind when you think of a question. We want Threado AI to become indispensable for you. Help us help you.

1% done.

TL;DR - Here's Threado AI explained in memes 👇

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