Community OS

Send swag and community ownership

Create an identity for your community that your members can wear or share around. Swag/merchandise is a great way to delight your members. The more thought put into it, the better.

Here are some ideas for merchandising:

  • Hoodies, caps, masks, desk accessories
  • Collaborate with relatable brands and workout a barter
  • Coupon codes or member subscriptions for top entertainment/lifestyle brands
  • Send handwritten notes with merchandise
  • Collaborate with NFT artists to drop NFTs to your members

"Merch supercharges communities. You’d be surprised what designing incredible merch can do to a community. It gives them a “raison d’etre”"- Greg Isenberg

🛠️ Resources

SwagUp - send swag to remote teams and customers to keep them engaged

Handwrytten - send hand-written notes at scale.

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