Community Jarvis

Best Community Templates and Automations 2022
50+ actionable templates and automation guides to help you navigate through your community-building journey.
Community Jarvis by Threado - 50+ Free templates & automation guide for your community | Product Hunt
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Why do you need a community?


You've the solution for the problem faced by a large number of users. The solution is community. But how do you decide if "community" is the best solution? Try this checklist - if you hit 70% or more, community is your solution!

What is the goal of your community?


The community space is best defined if it understands your users' motivations, leading to fulfilment of their goals. Here's a framework for you to narrow down on your community's goal.

Who are you building the community for?


It is important to understand that not every user facing the problem you are trying to solve, is your potential user. Here's how you can narrow down to a solution πŸ‘‡

Define your inspirations


Before you go ahead and start a community, it is important to pause and define your personal inspiration for the community. This will help you bring in more clarity towards what you're building.

What pain points will the community solve?


For you to understand how well you can solve your potential users' problems, it is important to understand their pain points first. Share this survey form with a couple of users to understand them better. πŸ‘‡

What will be your contributions towards the community?


It's crucial for you as the founder/admin to be aligned with the goals of the community. Here's a 3x3 matrix to help you remember and be on top on nurturing your community members.

What happens if the community does not exist today?


Your community should become the inevitable solution for users with the problem you are targeting - that's when the intent of the users towards the community is super strong.

What is your 6 months goal for the community?


Plan for 6 months ahead - what are the tasks at hand, what tools would you need, what metrics do you need to track and how will you focus on scaling the community.

Define your community member's persona

Member Discovery

Before you decide to reachout to your potential users, it's important to reflect upon what defines an ideal community member persona. Here's a detailed workbook to set your thought process on how to go about this. πŸ‘‡

Where do your users hangout today?

Member Discovery

Understand which platform are the users most active on today - Slack, Twitter, Github, etc - target them where they hangout the most.

What solutions do your members use today to solve the problems your community addresses?

Member Discovery

Gauge your competition - how good or bad is the existing solution? How can you add more value to solve the problem in a better way?

What platforms do they use at work for internal communication?

Member Discovery

Do a survey to understand which communication tools do they use at work. This will help you understand which community platform might work best for your target audience - Slack, Discord, etc

What communities are they a part of today?

Member Discovery

This will help you understand their interest fields and allow you to share content and enable connections basis that.

Identify their pain points

Member Discovery

Identifying the pain points helps you understand the purpose or the intent to join your community. The best way to do this would be to reach out to them for a chat.

Identify tools you'll need at various stages of community building


At different stages, for multiples processes you'll need different tools. Here are some of the tools you can use at various stages of your journey.

Create a personalised welcome message template


Sending a customised welcome message is the first touchpoint for the user within the community. You want to be sure you're doing a good job at being able to guide the user towards next step, while making the user feel at home with the community.

Weekly Community Bulletin


Share an overview of what's happening within the community with your users. You can do this on your community platform or chose to setup a newsletter for the same.

Measuring Retention


Retention cohorts are a marketeer's favourite tool. Here's a template for you to start measure it for your community.

Create community evangelists


Identify and create your community advocates across multiple channels. These folks will be responsible to create a buzz about your community and help bring in new users by leveraging their network.

Create meaningful channels on the community platform


Enabling self-flowing conversations sets your community on a user-led momentum. Create channels focused around your key goals and interests.

Set up a short introduction for each channel


Set context for each community. Guide the user about how they can use each channel. This is essential for the user to not feel lost. You can pin the introductions to the respective channels.

Create an internal wiki


You community needs a content home. The internal wiki will solve for that. Include all the community content, resources, guides, mentor details and also a member directory. If it's a learning community, you can use one of the LMS platforms to host your content.

Create the introductory community content


Plan ahead for scheduling content within your community. This gives you an opportunity to drive interactions and engagement over the content.

Create a landing page for your community


Give your community an identity - name, purpose of the community, who is it for and why does one need it.

Decide your user signup flow


This is step 1 of the onboarding flow - deciding how you want your users to get access to the community.

Create your Onboarding Form


A detailed onboarding form helps you capture user's goals and interests thoroughly. This helps you customise your approach to help user gain more value from the community.

Setup your onboarding flow


Having a well thought of onboarding journey, with you being able to deliver value instantly is what is going to make the users stick around for more.

Acknowledge new member introductions


Every new member introduction is a user's first entry point in the community - make sure you acknowledge and respond soon enough on each post.

Assign a buddy


A buddy system in the community helps new users navigate easily through the community. As step one, get opt-ins from members with certain level of experience who would want to volunteer for the buddy system. Next, match interests and pair new members with their respective buddy.

Share the first community content


Well, it is fairly easy to get overwhelmed will all the content you got running for the community - isn't it? But don't let the user get overwhelmed in the first few days - here's a thought process on how you can carefully pick the content you want your user to access for the first few days.

Case studies on projects/wins accomplished by users through your community


Users are keen to understand how to build trust and credibility in your community. The case studies will help them understand how you could steer them towards their goals.

Weekly bulletin of what’s happening in your space, outside the community


Keep an eye out on what's happening in your space, outside the community. Take the effort of curating all the new instances and share it with your community to make it readily accessible to them.

Blog/research articles on specific topics your community addresses


Publishing blogs on your website not just helps your community learn from it, but will also help you improve SEO ranking for your community's landing page.

Community Performance/Product Performance


Be honest and upfront about your community stats - help them understand what led to growth/degrowth of key metrics that matter the most. Transparency helps you bag loyalty and trust from your users.

Weekly community/product updates (new things to checkout)


Share new feature rollouts and updates to your community first - get their feedback on how useful the new features are.

Recognition for community achievements from last week


Gratitude and appreciation go long way! Make sure you don't miss showcasing top community achievements from the last week, with your members.

Events planned in the upcoming week and details around it


Schedule 1 form on community engagement every week - webinars, workshops, audio chats, text AMAs, etc

Schedule community events at a regular time interval


Maintain a cadence of scheduling events at regular intervals. These will help you drive periodic engagement within the community.

Schedule conversations prompts for various channels


Smart and quirky conversation prompts are interesting and super quick engagement drivers. Here are a couple of templates/suggestions you could use.

Gamify your community to drive engagement


Gamification is a great way to identify and appreciate members who are driving engagement for your community. Here's a framework on how you can setup the leaderboard and use it to drive engagement.

Enable networking within your community


Networking is the most undervalued proposition of any community. Helping users form meaningful connections should be on top of your mind as a community builder.

Identify the pulse of the community


Identify, define and measure multiple user segments basis their level of activity in the community. Create views and segments that matter the most - so that you start taking target actions for multiple segments.

Progress members within multiple user segments


Take targeted actions to progress the users on the leaderboard. Create more power users each month.

Activate dormant users


Once you have identified multiple user segments - you can activate dormant/at risk users by being on top of which members move to this view every day. Send them an activation DM right away, rather than waiting for more days.

Focus on retention, reduce churn


Do surveys on why users leave? What more can you do to make them stay. Create a better onboarding experience and have a view of who is moving to the "at risk" segment.

Create user-milestones


Create milestones to track user's progress within the community. The milestones can be a cumulative performance index based on multiple actions taken in the community.

Key metrics to track for daily performance


On a daily basis, keep tab of key community metrics that matter the most, to help you understand how the community performed the previous day. This will help you plan and take quicker actions if something breaks.

Community Health Score Card


Here are a couple of top metrics for you to constantly keep a tab of. These together will form your community health score card. You can setup this tracking on Airtable or just a plain google sheet.

Community NPS


Community Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that uses customers’ likelihood to recommend your community as a score based on your customer experience. Here's how you can measure it.

Promote top contributors to be your volunteers


Identify who are the top contributors each month consistently. Promote them to become community volunteers to help you run the community.

Run a referral campaign


Referral campaigns are the best way to attract new users to the community. Create a leaderboard of the referral campaign to make it a gamified experience.

Partnerships and Collaborations


Collaborate with folks who are influential in the community space, who understand and talk about the problem you are trying to solve. Partner with other community towards a greater vision.

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Partnerships and Collaborations
Run a referral campaign

Setup brand alerts to be notified whenever you get a shoutout on social during the referral campaigns. This helps you understand who is the top referrer.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Promote top contributors to be your volunteers

Setup a weekly report to see who the previous week's top contributors were.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Community NPS
Community Health Score Card
Key metrics to track for daily performance
Create user-milestones

(i) Setup stages for different actions in the community: New User, Explorer, Intermediate, Advanced, PowerUser
(ii) For each stage add actions to track completion of milestones.
(iii)Notify yourself when user complete different milestones.
(iv) Track member progress across different milestones.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Focus on retention, reduce churn

Reach out to the inactive users and get feedback on what can be done to improve the community.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Activate dormant users

Setup automated workflow to send targeted DMs to users to move to the "Dormant" view on a weekly basis.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Progress members within multiple user segments

Setup Slack alerts to understand daily stats of users under different activity levels.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Identify the pulse of the community

(i) Identify various user segments basis activity level, tags, interests and experience levels.
(ii) Send targeted personalised messages to different segments of users.
(iii) Setup Slack alerts to understand daily stats of different user levels.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Enable networking within your community

(i) Setup a matchmaker tool like Serendipity Bot.
(ii) Notify yourself when a connection is made.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Gamify your community to drive engagement

Setup the leaderboard on Airtable and receive a Slack alert for daily/weekly top contributors.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Schedule conversations prompts for various channels

Schedule weekly conversation prompts on multiple channels at a time that suits your community the most.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Schedule community events at a regular time interval

(i) Create events on event management platforms like Luma
(ii) Setup reminder message sequence for users who have registered for the event.
(iii) Integrate with tools that provide post event performance summary.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Events planned in the upcoming week and details around it

(i) Create events on event management platforms like Luma
(ii) Setup reminder message sequence for users who have registered for the event.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Recognition for community achievements from last week

(i) Create a leaderboard tracking on Airtable
(ii) Setup Slack weekly summary alerts for top contributors from the past week.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Weekly community/product updates (new things to checkout)

Share new updates at the beginning of every week - schedule it for a specific time every week to maintain cadence around it.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Community Performance/Product Performance

(i) Setup an interface on Airtable to log and track performance metrics that matter most.
(ii) Share weekly performance/product updates by end of the week - preferably every Friday.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Blog/research articles on specific topics your community addresses

Schedule 1 new blog for every Thursday.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Weekly bulletin of what’s happening in your space, outside the community

(i) Setup Google alerts for staying updated on these topics.
(ii) Create an Airtable database of these entries and setup a weekly digest for the same.
(iii) Preferably share this every Wednesday.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Case studies on projects/wins accomplished by users through your community

Use content scheduler to post 1 new case study every Tuesday.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Share the first community content
Assign a buddy

Automate the matchmaking process by using Serendipity Bot! Access it from here.

Acknowledge new member introductions
Setup your onboarding flow

Create an automated workflow for the entire onboarding process.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Create your Onboarding Form

(i) Setup Slack or email alerts when a new form is submitted.
(ii) Acknowledge every form submission.
(iii) On submission of the form, send the link to join the community, to the user via email.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Decide your user signup flow
Create a landing page for your community

Create Landing Page through No-Code Tools like Carrd, Softr, Adalo

Create the introductory community content
Create an internal wiki
Set up a short introduction for each channel
Create meaningful channels on the community platform
Create community evangelists
Measuring Retention
Weekly Community Bulletin

Setup weekly (preferably every Monday morning) summary, like a digest of your community stats - new members, new connections you facilitated and messages sent in the community. This can be done via Zapier or Threado.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Create a personalised welcome message template

Create an automated workflow to send welcome DMs instantly once the user joins the community.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Identify tools you'll need at various stages of community building

Setup Slack alerts for each entry in the form.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Identify their pain points
What communities are they a part of today?

Send a Slack notification when a new form is submitted and email the user acknowledging the response.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

What platforms do they use at work for internal communication?

Send a Slack notification when a new form is submitted and email the user acknowledging the response.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

What solutions do your members use today to solve the problems your community addresses?

Send a Slack notification when a new form is submitted and email the user acknowledging the response.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Where do your users hangout today?

Send a Slack notification when a new form is submitted and email the user acknowledging the response.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Define your community member's persona

Prospect for the audience by using one of the lead discovery and prospector tools. (Apollo, Lemlist, LinkedIn prospector, Clearbit, etc.)

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

What is your 6 months goal for the community?

Create a weekly checklist of tasks to do and set Slack notifications to alert you when you complete each task. This can be achieved by setting up multiple Zapier workflows.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

What happens if the community does not exist today?
What will be your contributions towards the community?

Setup an onboarding workflow with personalised messages to welcome each member to the community and be able to deliver value instantly. Tools that can be used: Threado, Zapier, Integromat

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

What pain points will the community solve?

Setup an automated Email response for everyone who fills the form and a Slack alert for yourself to be updated about a new form submission. You can set it up on Airtable itself.

You can follow the steps mentioned in the guide below to setup the Automation using your preferred tool. πŸ‘‡

Define your inspirations
Who are you building the community for?
What is the goal of your community?
Why do you need a community?

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